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First things first ... across the top of every page on this site you will see the "Welcome to FreeGuitarCourse.com!" logo. Click on the red underlined portion of the logo to go the the site map page at any time. The site map is for site overview, and for a short cut to return and pick up where you may have left off on your last visit. Keep in mind that the course builds from page one, including the introductory pages. So if you are new to guitar and/or musical lingo and you skip pages, you will find yourself confused later where the explanations assume your knowledge of previously covered material.
Now, let's take a moment to consider the purpose and goals of this course. This is not a place to find song transcriptions. We will be concentrating on the specific knowledge and skills one needs for playing a wide range of popular music styles. This website contains a smartly condensed, logically organized presentation of the essentials to get one equipped for making music with the guitar. It will involve a lot of work. The good news is that it will be worth it!
The course consists of beginner through advanced guitar concepts. One may think of this course as starting at tech school to get the basics cheap, before transferring to a university. Fortunately, one does not have to have a Master's Degree in Music to have a lot of fun with the guitar! The Free Guitar Course will focus on mastering the essential theory, chord forms, and scales found in the major popular music styles. The immediate goal is bringing the student to a point where it is possible to play rhythm or improvisational lead alongside random songs on any popular radio station. This level of expertise is sufficient for the hobbyist, and is a good start for someone who wants to go further. From this point the ambitious student will be able to make an informed decision of what style to pursue and what level of expertise is a realistic goal.
Let us inform you up front, in all fairness, that many beginning guitar students wrongly expect that a good instructor or course can have them playing like a pro within six months. This is not a realistic expectation. For most beginners, mastering the instrument sufficiently to play competently before others will take at least a year of consistent effort. Like any educational endeavor, it is up to the student to master the material through diligent practice, and the role of the instructor is to guide the student to the most profitable, efficient instruction materials and techniques. There is no substitute for regular, persistent effort toward improvement. It will take a commitment to learn to play well, since much of it will be boring and difficult for some time. We recommend considering whether you have the time, and a strong enough desire for playing the guitar to carry you through the hard stuff, before you spend a bunch of money on gear and forego other possibilities of what you might do with your time. We recommend a half-hour per day or the equivalent time per week as a BARE MINIMUM. For someone with some experience, if he is willing to put in the time he could play simple but competent leads in a couple of months.