Welcome to FreeGuitarCourse.com!
Free Guitar Lessons - high quality, no-fee guitar instruction.
Provided by Palmetto Music Institute. This site is for anyone interested in learning to play the guitar - absolutely free! Join our free newsletter for site updates, tips, & tricks! For Site Map click the underlined FreeGuitarCourse.com logo above.
You will find here the tools you need to carry you down the road toward Guitar Mastery. Have you recently acquired a guitar and need direction on where to start? Are you a little rusty and want to recover your skills? Have you learned a few chords and scales and don't know where to go next?
You have found the right place!
This course is written for the rock-bottom beginner guitarist, and it will also be helpful to someone who has been playing guitar for years but just hasn't seemed to get anywhere with it. If you will follow this course from the beginning and put in the time practicing, you will soon be able to play rhythm and improvisational lead guitar in a variety of styles. We will be covering the essential chords, progressions, and lead patterns for a variety of popular styles, including country, rock, pop, blues, and others in the Intermediate section. In the advanced section we will expand on chords and scales, learn to read standard musical notation and TAB, introduce you to home recording, and address more advanced solo techniques.
Why should you use this guitar course as opposed to any other?
Well, for one thing - these guitar lessons are FREE from beginning to end! You will not get halfway through the course only to find you have to pay for the rest of it. We have also made it very easy to follow - just click through the links at the bottom of each lesson to get to the next lesson you need. We have carefully designed the course to raise your knowledge and skill in a logical, appropriate sequence. We have also balanced adequate information with avoiding overload and musical trivia that has no real value to a hobbyist who just wants to play guitar. You don't have to click through page after page of data trying to figure out what you really need - just follow the course one page at a time as we have arranged it for you.
The Advanced section is currently still in development, but there is enough content here at present to keep a beginner guitarist busy for a long time. We are working to get you a complete course as soon as possible. We will be expanding on the content in the coming weeks, so bookmark this page and check back often!
This guitar course is free to the user, and we encourage you to use it as much as you like. However, the site is not free to us, so please take a look at our sponsors' ads. If you can use these products or services please click through. We are independent of these advertising vendors, so you do not pay them extra for the products or services by clicking through from our site.
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